Indigenous Mexicans Being Displaced by Corrupt Real Estate Firms in Modern-Day Colonialism


Unveiling the Dark Truths of Real Estate Development in Mexico: Gentrification, Displacement, and Corporate Greed

The Real Estate Mafia’s Destructive Impact on Mexico City’s Communities

The shimmering 68-story Mítikah tower stands tall in Mexico City, a symbol of opulence and wealth. But behind the glass-clad facade lies a darker truth – the real estate companies behind its construction have resorted to nefarious tactics to build their empires while displacing communities and destroying environments.

Operating since 2022, the Mítikah tower was approved without the legally required consultation with locals, who are descendants of the Teotihuacan people. These companies, including Fibra Uno, Parks Hospitality Holdings, and Pelli Clarke & Partners, have redirected scarce water resources to the luxury building, leaving residents without this essential resource.

This avoidance of community consultation is just one of the many strategies employed by real estate companies in Mexico to push their agenda. From corruption and ties with organized crime to intimidation tactics, forced evictions, and even alleged arson, these corporations stop at nothing to clear the way for their projects.

In areas like Puebla and Mexico City, activists have accused the real estate industry of starting fires to clear land for development, despite local opposition. Locals have reported men with gasoline drums setting fire to forests, leading to environmental destruction and loss of protected areas.

The tactics of these companies go beyond land grabbing; they also exploit legal loopholes and resort to divide-and-conquer tactics to force residents to sell their land. As property values skyrocket, speculation becomes lucrative, allowing these companies to buy off authorities and push their agendas unchecked.

The impact of gentrification in Mexico is akin to modern-day colonialism, with real estate construction erasing local customs and cultures to attract wealthy investors and tourists. From displacing Indigenous communities to transforming neighborhoods into unrecognizable landscapes, the real estate industry dictates everything, prioritizing profits over people and the environment.

But there is resistance. Activists, like members of the FDDPBA organization in Mexico City, are fighting back against these oppressive forces. Through media campaigns, protests, legal action, and community organizing, they have managed to defeat city plans that prioritize real estate interests over the well-being of residents.

As the struggle for justice and liberation continues, these grassroots movements stand as a beacon of hope against the destructive influence of the real estate mafia in Mexico. It is a battle for the soul of the city, a fight to preserve communities, heritage, and the environment against unchecked greed and exploitation.

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