Revitalizing the Quail Hollow Resort Property: A Promising Future for Concord Township
Concord Township Takes Steps to Revitalize Former Quail Hollow Resort Property
Concord Township is known for its impressive business and residential development, but one property that has fallen into disrepair is the former Quail Hollow Resort located at 11080 Concord-Hambden Road.
To address this issue, the Concord-Painesville Joint Economic Development District has hired a consulting firm, Silverlode Consulting, to analyze potential future uses for the Quail Hollow Resort property. The project, expected to be completed by the end of May, will cost no more than $40,000 and will be funded by the JEDD using income tax revenue from member businesses.
JEDD Administrator Rita McMahon stated that the goal of the project is to work with the property owners to bring the site back to life. The consulting firm will explore options for both reuse and redevelopment of the buildings and site, as well as potential development opportunities if the facility is removed.
Concord Township Trustee and JEDD board member Morgan McIntosh emphasized the importance of receiving a comprehensive report with recommendations and an assessment of the property’s challenges and viability. The report will also address potential uses for the property and any development-related issues such as traffic.
The JEDD is hopeful that the analysis will provide valuable information on potential reuses or new uses based on current market trends, which can aid in marketing the site. McIntosh revealed that officials have requested the results to be ready in time for the ICSC Las Vegas convention in May, where they can engage with developers and industry experts.
Previous proposals for the site have leaned towards residential use, but McIntosh noted a need for hotels in the area near Interstate 90 exit at state Route 44. The Quail Hollow Resort property is currently unused and in poor condition, with visible sinkholes on the premises.
Despite limitations in regulating the building’s condition, the township continues to work with the property owner towards a positive outcome. McIntosh mentioned that the property owner is interested in selling the property and will cooperate with the analysis.
In conclusion, the efforts of the JEDD to revitalize the Quail Hollow Resort property are commendable. The hope is that this former eyesore can be transformed into a valuable asset for Concord Township’s economy once again.