RSH Introduces New Standards to Improve Social Housing Landlords and Protect Tenants
RSH Introduces New Standards to Improve Social Housing for Tenants
In a groundbreaking move, the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has announced new standards for social housing landlords aimed at protecting tenants and enhancing the quality of service they receive. The changes, which are part of the Social Housing Regulation Act, will come into effect on 1 April 2024 and will apply to all social landlords, including councils and housing associations.
Under the new standards, landlords will be required to ensure the safety of tenants in their homes, respond promptly to complaints, and treat tenants with fairness and respect. They will also need to have a better understanding of the condition of each home and the needs of its occupants, as well as collect and utilize data effectively across various areas, including repairs.
While most social housing tenants currently reside in decent homes, RSH believes that all landlords can make improvements. To hold landlords accountable, RSH will conduct regular inspections to ensure compliance with the new standards. The regulator will also scrutinize data related to tenant satisfaction, repairs, and other relevant issues, while utilizing enforcement powers when necessary.
Fiona MacGregor, Chief Executive of RSH, emphasized the importance of landlords maintaining the safety of tenants and addressing any issues promptly. She stated, “We are introducing new standards to drive improvements in social housing, and we will actively inspect landlords to check they are meeting them.”
The new approach developed by RSH was the result of extensive engagement with tenants, landlords, and other stakeholders. Over 1,000 individuals participated in the standards consultation, with a majority of responses coming from tenants who overwhelmingly supported the proposals.
Starting from April, RSH will implement an inspection program that will run in four-year cycles. Alongside inspections, the regulator will remain responsive to cases referred by tenants and stakeholders, taking action against landlords when necessary.
In concluding her statement, MacGregor expressed gratitude to the tenants and stakeholders who contributed to shaping the new regulatory approach. She stressed the importance of landlords being prepared to meet the new standards to ensure the well-being of tenants.
For further information on RSH’s new regulatory approach and the four consumer standards, visit their website or contact the press office.